upabhokta maal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Not only consumer goods menus that visitors may take with him, but true works of art 2. Other consumer goods industries have developed quickly in the course of the sixties 3. Significant changes also occurred in the structure of production in favor of capital goods: the share of consumer goods fell by 74 percent 4. The liberalization (1953-1956) The new policy implemented following the Soviet model provides for development of consumer goods production and greater aid to agriculture 5. The result of changes in the nature of consumer goods and a strengthening of the authority of the chiefs, who, simple family arbitrators, became masters of commerce

Given are the examples of hindi word upabhokta maal usage in english sentences. The examples of upabhokta maal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., consumer goods.

Management is required in all kinds of organisations whether they are manufacturing computers or hand-looms, trading in consumer goods or providing hairstyling services and even in non-business organisations.

In accordance with the economic planning, the government gave a lead role to the public sector for infrastructure industries whereas the private sector was broadly given the responsibility of developing consumer goods industry.
Now if we go back to our discussion of total final output produced in an economy, we see that there is output of consumer goods and services and output of capital goods.
The consumer goods sustain the consumption of the entire population of the economy.
Purchase of consumer goods depends on the capacity of the people to spend on these goods which, in turn, depends on their income.
Not only are newer consumption needs perceived and correspondingly new consumer goods and services produced, but also the meaning of basic necessities may now include not only food and clothing but such essentials like basic education and health care.
Total output of final goods and services produced in an economy in a year has two different parts – the consumer goods and services, and the capital goods.
The consumer goods and services sustain the consumption of the total population of the economy.
Elimination of middlemen results in lower prices for the consumer goods to the members.
A super market is a large retailing business unit selling wide variety of consumer goods on the basis of low margin appeal, wide variety and assortment, self-service and heavy emphasis on merchandising appeal.
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